Eleventh Doctor Quiz-Answers

Q1 In the story "The eleventh hour" the Doctor likes Fish fingers and Custard but what was the first item that we see him eat?

A1 An apple

Q2 Alphabetically which Eleventh Doctor story comes first?

A2 A Christmas Carol

Q3 Who played Craig in the episode "The Lodger"?

A3 James Cordon

Q4 Which story's Doctor Who Confidential was called "A brush with Genius"?

A4 Vincent and the Doctor

Q5 Who were Christian, Angelo, Marco and Bob?

A5 Clerics part of Father Octavians mission to track down the last Weeping Angel

Q6 Who wrote Victory of the Daleks?

A6 Mark Gatiss

Q7 Which episode was the first not to show the crack in time?

A7 Time of the Angels

Q8 In "The Pandorica Opens" The Doctor takes Amy to Planet One to see the oldest cliff face in history so the TARDIS can translate writings that are written on them. What does the writings translate as?

A8 Hello Sweetie

Q9 According to The Doctor, what caused the Dream Lord to manifest himself?

A9 Psychic Pollen

Q10 In "The Big Bang" Who kills the stone Dalek?

A10 River Song