10 Easy Questions - Answers

The Answers

  1. In the New Battlestar Galactica, what is Apollo's real name?
    Lee Adama
  2. If you were on the Liberator what would you need to transport?
    A teleport bracelet
  3. If there's something strange in your neighbourhood, who you goin' to call?
  4. In Stargate SG-1 what rank is Daniel Jackson?
    None, he's a civilian advisor, so he doesn't have one.
  5. In Doctor Who what is the name of the new assistant? (Series 3, 2007)
    Martha Jones
  6. What is the hand held scanner in Star Trek called?
  7. What year did Sam go back to in Life on Mars?
  8. If you save the cheerleader, you save what?
    ...the world!  (Heroes)
  9. A Starfury is from which show?
    Babylon 5
  10. What does Shaun use to kill zombies?
    A cricket bat