Catchphrases, Answers

  1. "Bring it!"
    Dylan Hunt Andromeda

  2. "Make it so!"
    Captain Picard, ST, TNG

  3. "And now for something completely different"
    Monty Python's Flying Circus"

  4. "Book 'em, Danno!"
    Steve McGarrett Hawaii 5-0

  5. "Oh Boy!"
    Sam Beckett Quantum Leap

  6. "Who loves ya, baby?"
    Lt. Theo Kojak

  7. "I love it when a plan comes together"
    John "Hannibal" Smith The A-Team

  8. "Brave Heart Tegan"
    The Fifth Doctor

  9. "There can be only One"

  10. "D'oh!"
    Homer Simpson