Doctor Who - General Questions - Answers

  1. Toshiko Sato was a regular character in Torchwood but which Doctor Who episode did she appear in?
    Aliens of London.
  2. What was the name of the spaceship in The Girl In The Fireplace
    SS Madame de Pompadour.
  3. What does LINDA stand for?
    London Investigation 'n' Detective Agency
  4. In the Runaway Bride. Who is Donna going to marry?
    Lance Bennett
  5. In Time Crash. Which Doctor appears along side the 10th Doctor?
    The Fifth Doctor
  6. In the story The Christmas Invasion. The Sycorax controlled people with which blood type?
    A Positive
  7. Which episode is between The Age of Steel and The Impossible Planet?
    The Idiots Lantern
  8. In The Shakespeare Code, what is the title of the play that was to be the sequel to Love’s Labour’s Lost?
    Love’s Labour’s Won
  9. What is the name of Donna’s Mother?
  10. Which story would you find Cassandra, the Sisters of Plenitude, Chip and Metal Spiders?
    New Earth
  11. Which story is set in 1987?
    Fathers Day
  12. Who is the human genius who is in league with the Sontarans?
    Luke Rattigan
  13. In which story does the TARDIS materialise on Dame Kelly Holmes Close?
    Fear Her